You can use this form to register as an owner or manager of a Past Metallurgical Site and Deposit (PMSD).
*Required field
Click on the map to draw the outline of the site. To close the polygon, click again on the starting point. You can adjust the polygon by selecting a vertex and holding the left click, or redraw it again. Search for an address using the magnifying glass located at the top right. Change the background map (map or satellite) using the icon at the bottom right.
Total area [Ha]
What is the estimated volume (m3) of the deposit?
What is the estimated mean height (m) of the deposit?
What past metallurgical activity occured on the site?
Please select the type of residues
I agree to the encoded data being made public on the Open-Access Platform (If unchecked, contact with another contractor, a site owner or a valorisation provider may only be made indirectly, via the NWE-REGENERATIS team).
I agree that the data I have provided may be used by the NWE-REGENERATIS project team in order to fulfill its tasks ( and, more specifically, to promote the recovery of materials from past-metallurgical site and deposit in the North West Europe area. I understand that I have the right, at any time, to request and obtain the deletion of my data held by the NWE-REGENERATIS consortium by notifying it by e-mail to the following address: